Predictions & Data for this entry
Model: abj | climate: A, B | migrate: | phylum: |
COMPLETE = 2.6 | ecozone: TH, TPi | food: biPp, biD | class: |
MRE = 0.088 | habitat: 0iFpe | gender: D | order: |
SMSE = 0.020 | embryo: Fbf | reprod: Apf | family: |
Zero-variate data
Data | Observed | Predicted | (RE) | Unit | Description | Reference |
tp | 40 | 40.07 | (0.001798) | d | time since birth at puberty | Dabo1977 |
am | 72 | 69.08 | (0.0405) | d | life span | Dabo1977 |
Lb | 0.05 | 0.0736 | (0.472) | cm | total length at birth | Dabo1977 |
Lp | 1.77 | 1.561 | (0.118) | cm | total length at puberty | Dabo1977 |
Li | 2.3 | 1.686 | (0.2668) | cm | ultimate total length | Dabo1977 |
Wdi | 0.0207 | 0.02107 | (0.01788) | g | ultimate dry weight | guess |
Ri | 16.88 | 17.39 | (0.03059) | #/d | maximum reprod rate | Dabo1977 |
Uni- and bivariate data
Data | Figure | Independent variable | Dependent variable | (RE) | Reference |
tL_70 | time since birth | length | (0.06809) | Dabo1977 | |
tL_71 | time since birth | length | (0.06354) | Dabo1977 | |
tL_72 | time since birth | length | (0.08801) | Dabo1977 |
Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C
Data | Generalised animal | Branchinecta mackini | Unit | Description |
v | 0.02 | 0.03533 | cm/d | energy conductance |
p_M | 18 | 5249 | J/^3 | vol-spec som maint |
k_J | 0.002 | 0.002 | 1/d | maturity maint rate coefficient |
k | 0.3 | 0.001694 | - | maintenance ratio |
kap | 0.8 | 0.9915 | - | allocation fraction to soma |
kap_G | 0.8 | 0.7999 | - | growth efficiency |
kap_R | 0.95 | 0.95 | - | reproduction efficiency |
- males are assumed to differ from females by {p_Am} only
- temperature (in C) in tL data is assumed as T(t) = spline1(t,[0 3; 10 5; 30 20; 60 25])