Predictions & Data for this entry

Model: std climate: MA, MB migrate: Mo phylum:
COMPLETE = 2.8 ecozone: MC food: biCij class:
MRE = 0.064 habitat: 0bTd, biMp gender: Dtmf order:
SMSE = 0.008 embryo: Tt reprod: O family:

Zero-variate data

Data Observed Predicted (RE) Unit Description Reference
ab 60 50.81 (0.1531) d age at birth Jone2009, AnAge
ap 5584 5710 (0.02256) d age at puberty Jone2009
am 1.095e+04 1.1e+04 (0.005003) d life span AnAge
Lb 6.31 6.638 (0.05191) cm total length at birth Jone2009
Lp 121 140.7 (0.1627) cm total length at puberty Jone2009
Li 175 142.1 (0.1879) cm ultimate total length Wiki
Ww0 85.5 55.72 (0.3483) g initial wet weight Thom1993
Wwb 46 43.41 (0.05624) g wet weight at birth Jone2009
Wdb 9.776 9.551 (0.02303) g dry weight at birth Thom1993
Wwi 4.2e+05 4.262e+05 (0.01469) g ultimate wet weight AnAge
Ri 0.3836 0.3791 (0.01169) #/d maximum reprod rate Jone2009
pAm 0.4 0.1187 (0.7033) W/kg mass-specific metabolic rate Jone2009
pXm 0.54 0.5311 (0.01642) W/kg maximum intake of jellyfish of fully grown individual Jone2009

Uni- and bivariate data

Data Figure Independent variable Dependent variable (RE) Reference
tJO_e incubation time O_2 consumption rate (0.06121) Thom1993
tL time since birth straight carapace length (0.06629) Jone2009
tL1 time since birth straight carapace length (0.09681) Jone2009
tW time since birth wet weight (0.04277) Jone2009

Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C

Data Generalised animal Dermochelys coriacea Unit Description
v 0.02 0.06278 cm/d energy conductance
kap 0.8 0.2502 - allocation fraction to soma
kap_R 0.95 0.95 - reproduction efficiency
p_M 18 34.97 J/^3 vol-spec som maint
k_J 0.002 0.002 1/d maturity maint rate coefficient
kap_G 0.8 0.7976 - growth efficiency


  • Jone2009: 1.3e11 g jellyfish converts to 2.6e13 J, so jellyfish have 200 J/g
  • mod_1: data on ingestion/metam revised, tJO_e, Ww0, Wdb data added
  • mod_1: pAm was ignorned because of inconsistency with other data and because allometric correction was applied for obtaining the specific rate
  • mod_1: Ww0 was ignorned because it needs detailed modelling of the contribution of water to weight


  • all 7 species of sea turtles nest on beaches; females lay up to 7 clutches at 10 - 14 d intervals. interbrood interval 2 - 8 yrs; males might return each yr. Feeding starts 5-11 d after hatching (Ref: Jone2009)
  • feeds on gelatinous zooplankton, mostly jellyfish: Aurelia, Chrysaora, Cyanea, Rhizostoma, Stomolophus (Ref: Wiki)

