Predictions & Data for this entry
Model: std | climate: Cfa, Cfb, Dfa, Dfb, Dfc | migrate: | phylum: |
COMPLETE = 2.7 | ecozone: TH | food: biPp, biD | class: |
MRE = 0.144 | habitat: 0iFp, 0iFl, 0iFm | gender: D | order: |
SMSE = 0.060 | embryo: Fbf | reprod: Apf | family: |
Zero-variate data
Data | Observed | Predicted | (RE) | Unit | Description | Reference |
ab_20 | 1.971 | 1.956 | (0.007415) | d | age at birth | LemkBenk2003 |
ab_28 | 1.083 | 1.124 | (0.03738) | d | age at birth | LemkBenk2003 |
tp | 3 | 4.368 | (0.4558) | d | time since birth at puberty | LemkBenk2003 |
Lb | 0.047 | 0.04719 | (0.004042) | cm | total length at birth | LemkBenk2003 |
Lp | 0.079 | 0.06855 | (0.1323) | cm | total length at puberty | LemkBenk2003 |
Li | 0.18 | 0.137 | (0.2386) | cm | ultimate total length | LemkBenk2003 |
Wdb | 6.1e-07 | 5.96e-07 | (0.02301) | g | dry weight at birth | LemkBenk2003 |
Wdp | 1.78e-06 | 1.827e-06 | (0.02639) | g | dry weight at puberty | LemkBenk2003 |
Ri | 1 | 1.147 | (0.1468) | #/d | maximum reprod rate | LemkBenk2003 |
Uni- and bivariate data
Data | Figure | Independent variable | Dependent variable | (RE) | Reference |
tL_25 | time since birth | length | (0.06619) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tL_20 | time since birth | length | (0.04841) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tL_15 | time since birth | length | (0.05041) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tL_10 | time since birth | length | (0.05473) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tL | time since birth | length | (0.04169) | Vijv1980 | |
tN_25 | time since birth | cumulative # of eggs | (0.2787) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tN_20 | time since birth | cumulative # of eggs | (0.3933) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tN_15 | time since birth | cumulative # of eggs | (0.1917) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tN_10 | time since birth | cumulative # of eggs | (0.6866) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tS_25 | time since birth | surviving fraction | (0.2243) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tS_20 | time since birth | surviving fraction | (0.5694) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tS_15 | time since birth | surviving fraction | (0.5129) | LemkBenk2003 | |
tS_10 | time since birth | surviving fraction | (1.459) | LemkBenk2003 | |
Tab | temperature | age at birth | (0.09165) | Vijv1980 | |
Ttp | temperature | time since birth at puberty | (0.2739) | LemkBenk2003 |
Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C
Data | Generalised animal | Diaphanosoma brachyurum | Unit | Description |
v | 0.02 | 0.02096 | cm/d | energy conductance |
p_M | 18 | 1226 | J/^3 | vol-spec som maint |
k_J | 0.002 | 0.002 | 1/d | maturity maint rate coefficient |
k | 0.3 | 0.007257 | - | maintenance ratio |
kap | 0.8 | 0.6913 | - | allocation fraction to soma |
kap_G | 0.8 | 0.7994 | - | growth efficiency |
kap_R | 0.95 | 0.95 | - | reproduction efficiency |
- tN data has been adusted such that they are monotoneous
- D.leuchtenbergianum: W in mug = 5.0713 (L in mm)^1.0456 (no eggs) (Ref: CulvBouc1985)
- 3-4 juvenile instars in females (Ref: Boik2005)
- dry-weight: ln (W in mug) = 1.023 + 2.099 * ln (L in mm) (Ref: LemkBenk2003)
- parthenogenetic reproduction; continuous moulting; cladocerans reach maturity in 3-8 moults (Ref: Wiki)