Predictions & Data for this entry
Model: abj | climate: MB, MC | migrate: | phylum: |
COMPLETE = 2.3 | ecozone: MANE, MAm | food: bjP, biD, jiCi, jiS | class: |
MRE = 0.156 | habitat: 0bMb, bjMp, jiMb | gender: D | order: |
SMSE = 0.053 | embryo: Mbf | reprod: O | family: |
Zero-variate data
Data | Observed | Predicted | (RE) | Unit | Description | Reference |
ab | 365 | 365 | (1.135e-05) | d | age at birth | ProdJors2010 |
tj_15 | 35 | 39.03 | (0.115) | d | time since birth at metam at 15 C | ProdJors2010 |
tj_20 | 12 | 24.31 | (1.025) | d | time since birth at metam at 20 C | ProdJors2010 |
tp | 2190 | 2239 | (0.02215) | d | time since birth at puberty | ProdJors2010 |
am | 2.19e+04 | 2.19e+04 | (1.581e-05) | d | life span | Hans2005 |
Lj | 0.6 | 0.5254 | (0.1243) | cm | carapace length at settle | ProdJors2010 |
Lp | 8.27 | 8.238 | (0.003826) | cm | carapace length at puberty | Wiki |
Li | 21.4 | 21.41 | (0.0002935) | cm | ultimate carapace length | Wiki |
L2 | 7.5 | 8.593 | (0.1458) | cm | carapace length at 2yr | ProdJors2010 |
Wdb | 0.0017 | 0.001985 | (0.1678) | g | dry weight at birth | Pand1970 |
Wwj | 0.154 | 0.08516 | (0.447) | g | wet weight at metam | ProdJors2010 |
Wwp | 331 | 328.3 | (0.008099) | g | wet weight at puberty | ProdJors2010 |
Wwi | 6000 | 5760 | (0.04005) | g | ultimate wet weight | Wiki |
Ww2 | 300 | 372.6 | (0.2421) | g | wet weight at 2yr | ProdJors2010 |
E0 | 43.9 | 50.18 | (0.1431) | J | egg energy content | Pand1970 |
Ri | 30 | 29.89 | (0.003562) | #/d | maximum reprod rate | guess |
Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C
Data | Generalised animal | Homarus gammarus | Unit | Description |
v | 0.02 | 0.02075 | cm/d | energy conductance |
p_M | 18 | 24.29 | J/^3 | vol-spec som maint |
k_J | 0.002 | 0.002 | 1/d | maturity maint rate coefficient |
k | 0.3 | 0.3623 | - | maintenance ratio |
kap | 0.8 | 0.8958 | - | allocation fraction to soma |
kap_G | 0.8 | 0.8083 | - | growth efficiency |
kap_R | 0.95 | 0.95 | - | reproduction efficiency |
- During the pelagic stage, larvae undergo four developmental stages until metamorphosis to stage IV (meta-larvae) when they settle to the seabed (Ref: ProdJors2010)
- Males reach puberty earlier than females (Ref: ProdJors2010)
- The creation of this entry was supported by the Norwegian Science Council (NFR 255295)