Predictions & Data for this entry

Model: stx climate: Cfb, Dfb, Dfc migrate: phylum:
COMPLETE = 3.0 ecozone: THp food: bxM, xiH class:
MRE = 0.062 habitat: 0iTg, 0iTht gender: Dg order:
SMSE = 0.008 embryo: Tv reprod: O family:

Zero-variate data

Data Observed Predicted (RE) Unit Description Reference
tg 21 20.98 (0.0007534) d gestation time WielSell1990
tx 13.7 14.46 (0.05565) d time since birth at weaning BoycBoyc1988
tp 13.7 14.46 (0.05565) d time since birth at puberty BoycBoyc1988
Wwb 1.43 1.392 (0.02689) g wet weight at birth BoycBoyc1988
Wwx 9 8.763 (0.02632) g wet weight at weaning Fran1956
Wwp 9 8.763 (0.02632) g wet weight at puberty Fran1956
Wwi 50 51.66 (0.03321) g ultimate wet weight Bale2007
Ri 0.04315 0.04215 (0.02311) #/d maximum reprod rate BoycBoyc1988

Uni- and bivariate data

Data Figure Independent variable Dependent variable (RE) Reference
tJO time since birth O_2 consumption (0.06207) DrozGore1972
tJX time since birth cumulated energy ingested (0.1456) DrozGore1972
tL3 time since birth body length (0.04747) Bale2007
tS time since birth surviving fraction (0.1177) Grom2016
tW time since birth weight (0.09469) Grom2016
tW2 time since birth weight (0.09483) Migu1969
tW3 time since birth weight (0.1641) Bale2007
tW4 time since birth weight (0.03985) DrozGore1972
tW5 time since birth weight (0.03985) DrozGore1972

Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C

Data Generalised animal Microtus arvalis Unit Description
v 0.02 0.08037 cm/d energy conductance
kap 0.8 0.9821 - allocation fraction to soma
kap_R 0.95 0.95 - reproduction efficiency
p_M 18 478 J/^3 vol-spec som maint
k_J 0.002 0.002 1/d maturity maint rate coefficient
kap_G 0.8 0.8001 - growth efficiency


  • There is variability in reported timing of weaning and puberty;we assume that weaning and puberty happen at the same maturity level.
  • We assume that f=1 during lactation but that it differs afterwards in the different studies;this assumption makes a difference


  • Litter weight amounts to 53,2% of the mothers weight; female suckle her former litter during pregnancy. (Ref: Fran1956)
  • Females mature after opening eyes and while still unweaned. So called suckling maturity. (Ref: BoycBoyc1988, Fran1956)
  • Age at weaning/maturity earlier for solitary mother than mothers in groups. (Ref: BoycBoyc1988)
  • most numerous rodent in field ecosystems in most of europe; might reproduce all year round in favorable conditions; most dangerous pest of the field cultures. (Ref: Migu1969)
  • food uptake by females increases slightly during pregnancy while it increases drastically during lactation. (Ref: Migu1969)

