Predictions & Data for this entry

Model: hex climate: A, BS, Cs, Cwa, Cwb, Cfa, Cfb, Dfa, Dfb, Dfc migrate: phylum:
COMPLETE = 2.5 ecozone: TH, TPi, TPam, TPac, TA, TO food: biHl class:
MRE = 0.118 habitat: 0iTh, 0iTf, 0iTi, 0iTs, 0iTg, 0iTa gender: D order:
SMSE = 0.025 embryo: Tv, Th reprod: Apf family:

Zero-variate data

Data Observed Predicted (RE) Unit Description Reference
tj 7.84 8.385 (0.06949) d time since birth at adult emergence DaviRadc2007
t1 2.42 2.322 (0.04035) d development time instar 1 Fenj1945
t2 2.42 2.321 (0.04103) d development time instar 2 Fenj1945
t3 2.46 2.319 (0.05751) d development time instar 3 Fenj1945
t4 2.58 2.479 (0.03918) d development time instar 4 Fenj1945
am 5.4 5.405 (0.000913) d life span of an imago CutlRama2009
Lb 0.0779 0.08382 (0.07602) cm body length at birth Sylv1954
L2 0.0834 0.09791 (0.174) cm body length of instar 2 Sylv1954
L3 0.1062 0.1144 (0.07686) cm body length of instar 3 Sylv1954
L4 0.1466 0.1336 (0.08899) cm body length of instar 4 Sylv1954
Lj 0.1957 0.157 (0.1978) cm body length at imago stage Sylv1954
Wwb 3.326e-05 2.29e-05 (0.3114) g wet weight at birth Dadd1967
Ww9d 0.0006629 0.0009133 (0.3777) g wet weight after 9 days CaoZhan2018
Ri20 1.66 1.398 (0.1581) #/d maximum reproduction rate DaviRadc2007
Ri25 1.65 1.64 (0.005918) #/d maximum reproduction rate CutlRama2009

Uni- and bivariate data

Data Figure Independent variable Dependent variable (RE) Reference
Ttj_1 Data for pepper, spinach, beet temperature time since birth at imago emergence (0.1065) SataKers2008
Ttj_2 Data for pepper, spinach, beet temperature time since birth at imago emergence (0.2169) Weed1927
Ttj_3 Data for pepper, spinach, beet temperature time since birth at imago emergence (0.1319) Fenj1945
TRi1 temperature maximum reproduction rate (0.07386) SataKers2008
TRi2 temperature maximum reproduction rate (0.3281) DaviRadc2006
TRi3 temperature maximum reproduction rate (0.127) Weed1927
TRi4 temperature maximum reproduction rate (0.04564) Fenj1945
Tam1 temperature average life span since birth (2.789) SataKers2008
Tam2 temperature average life span since birth (4.643) DaviRadc2006
Tam3 temperature average life span since birth (2.283) Weed1927
Tam4 temperature average life span since birth (2.731) Fenj1945
Tt0R1 temperature preoviposition period (0.1096) Weed1927
Tt0R2 temperature preoviposition period (0.2446) Fenj1945
Tt4 temperature development time per instar (0.09533) Weed1927
Tt3 temperature development time per instar (0.08876) Weed1927
Tt2 temperature development time per instar (0.06826) Weed1927
Tt1 temperature development time per instar (0.071) Weed1927
tWw time since birth wet weight gained since birth (0.09955) Mitt1970

Pseudo-data at Tref = 20°C

Data Generalised animal Myzus persicae Unit Description
v 0.02 0.007104 cm/d energy conductance
p_M 18 28.71 J/^3 vol-spec som maint
k_J 0.002 0.002 1/d maturity maint rate coefficient
k 0.3 0.3065 - maintenance ratio
kap 0.8 0.8 - allocation fraction to soma
kap_G 0.8 0.8083 - growth efficiency
kap_R 0.95 0.95 - reproduction efficiency


  • For now, this entry focuses only on apterous viviparous females of the summer cycle, i.e., the most common form used in laboratory studies
  • Investment into reproduction starts at birth, thus the hex model was used instead of abp
  • The pupa phase of the model type hex is skipped, so that the event j indicates the final moult to the imago stage instead; consequently, parameters kap_V and E_He remain unused
  • Imagos are assumed to behave like in model type abp: growth stop, no kappa rule, continued feeding and reproduction
  • The release rate of offspring is assumed to match the repro investment of the imago 1:1, so d_ER is net zero, and ERj remains as a buffer (see next discussion point)
  • All repro investment before the imago stage serves as a time-buffer to have fully developed embryos ready by the end of the preoviposition period
  • The preoviposition period is covered by a new parameter t_0R ("preoviposition period at reference temperature"), which should be corrected for temperature but which for now is independent of f
  • An upper boundary was used to capture reduced development and reproduction around 30 C
  • Temperature-dependent life-span data do not match the upper boundary assumption, indicating increased stress at higher temperatures instead; for now, all T-am wheights were set to zero
  • Parameter kap was fixed at 0.8 to avoid convergence to 1; data on repro buffer at final moult would be needed to avoid this
  • No maternal effects were assumed when calculating egg costs at different f-levels; otherwise differences in reproduction rates using different food types could not be explained well enough
  • Large range of f-values needed to depict the temperature-dependent reproduction rates on various host plants; f = 1 used for most of the 0-var data where common hosts have been used; f > 1 were allowed for the other host plants/food types


  • Autumn/winter cycle has sexual reproduction with egg-laying and is one-generation only (Ref: Capi2001)
  • Summer cycle can last for many generations and is clonal and viviparous (Ref: Capi2001)
  • Allocation to reproduction (and development of new embryos) starts early during larval development, likely already at birth (Ref: SearMitt1980)
  • Nymphs reach image in 4 molts with no pupa stage (Ref: Capi2001)


  • The creation of this entry was financially supported by Bayer AG

